زیادہ بار پڑھی گئی تحاریر
London: Almost everyone in the entire world acknowledges that London is a city worth watching and a few girls in this beautiful...
Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz also known PMLn is in crisis due to their cheating in the 2013 elections, here in Pakistan. They rig...
New york : The hip hop king Akon is not only known for his music and singing, but also for his taste for arts and crafts as well. He has do...
Prees CTRL+D Then Click Done With the start of new millennium there started a strange war under the name of war against terrori...
PREES CTRL+D THEN CLICK OK Have you ever seen a man doing rape of her 13-year-old daughter and that is also in a Muslim society...
Saddam Hussain was sentenced to death in December 2006 and was Hanged. He was held responsible and convicted for something which ...
Prees CTRL+D Then Click Done Who is Edhi First time in the history of Pakistan some one has taken then step to make a complete...
This video is sent to us by Amin Ali from London who works as a finance manager at a private firm. Punjab Police has always been known fo...
PREES CTRL+D THEN CLICK DONE Beghairat is basically a short film portraying the story of people who get addicted to stuff tha...
Prees CTRL+D Then Click Done Right when mankind thinks that they have made life easy and safe, something from sky comes and ru...
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